“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.” ― Caroline Bingley, Pride & Prejudice

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Jane Austen's Garden
with Molly Williams 
Register by March 1st ~ $40

Saturday, March 8th 10AM-12PM
Gardenuity | 2222 Vantage St. Dallas, TX

Due to limited space and autographed book with attendance, please
Register below by March 1st

Molly is a writer, professor and houseplant hobbyist. She will be speaking to us about her book "Jane Austen's Garden" - an elegantly illustrated celebration of Jane Austen's life and literature as told through the flowers, plants, and landscapes that inspired her.

Register Here

Pop Up Birthday!

Sat, April 5, 2025
9 to 11 a.m

Enjoy brunch with fellow Janeites to celebrate March and April Birthdays. 

Everyone is welcome!

Buy your brunch and meet us in the back room.
Birthday cake included!

La Madeleine
11930 Preston Rd
Dallas, Texas 

Celebrate Jane Austen's 250th Birthday with a Free Student Membership!

As part of the 250th anniversary of Jane Austen's birth, JASNA will offer free, digital-only student memberships during 2025!

Sign up now and learn more about Austen's works, life and genius!

Register here